The Assessment of the Clemmons Unified Development Ordinance (UDO Assessment) is now available. The UDO is the set of regulations that govern how land can be used in the Village, and the UDO Assessment is a key step in the Village’s project to comprehensively update the UDO. The UDO Assessment evaluates the UDO in the context of the Village’s land use goals and zoning best practices, and makes recommendations for the content and organization of an updated UDO that is easier to use and results in higher-quality development.
The UDO Assessment is available here (and also on the Work Products page). A brief community survey soliciting feedback regarding the ordinance rewrite was available throughout December. That survey is now closed. Thank you for your participation!
Upcoming Meetings:
Stay tuned! Initial drafts of the new Ordinance will be released in the spring.
About the Rewrite
Clemmons is updating its Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), the set of regulations that determine how land can be used in the Village. A key goal of the project is to implement key recommendations relating to land use in the 2019 update to the Village’s comprehensive Plan, Clemmons Community Compass, including better support for high-quality development and redevelopment that is context-sensitive and supports a more walkable community. The project is also designed to update the UDO to make sure it is significantly easier to use and understand with additional graphics and tables, more streamlined in language and processes, aligned with zoning best practices and state law.
Prior Meetings​​
UDO Assessment Public Meeting with Board of Adjustment and Planning Board
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 6 pm
Clemmons Village Hall
3715 Clemmons Road
Unified Development Ordinance Update Public Kickoff Open House
Thursday, September 19, 2024, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Clemmons Public Library Atrium
6365 James Street
Clemmons, North Carolina 27012
Lunch and Learn with Development Community Stakeholders
Thursday, September 19, 2024, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Project Tasks and Timeline
The project tasks and timeline are listed below. The project is anticipated to be complete by October 2025